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Welcome to Rhode Island Teachers of English Language Learners


Fall 2018 Conference

Mark Your Calendars!
October 20, 2018
Topic: Translanguaging

Keynote Speaker: 

Ofelia García

Image result for ofelia garcia translanguaging

Registration Opens September 17th

SPRING 2022: RITELL Webinar Series Adopting a strengths-based, multilingual approach to assessment: A series for teachers of emergent bilinguals

Dr. Laura Ascenzi-Moreno is currently an associate professor and the bilingual program coordinator at Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Her research is focused on the literacy development of emergent bilinguals, the literacy assessment of emergent bilinguals, the development of teacher knowledge, and how these intersect with equity.

Save the date: April 13th, May 5th

Only $10 with your 21/22 RITELL Membership*


register here


Resources for Teachers

RITELL.ORG has a variety of resources of interest to Educators of ELLs, such as: video links, booklists for teachers, articles by conference speakers, and helpful websites. Below are some of our more popular resources:

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By joining RITELL, you distinguish yourself as a serious professional who is a member of his/her professional association and will gain benefits, such as:

  • Discounted fees for RITELL Conferences
  • Receive the association's newsletter, The RITeller, twice a year
  • Receive job postings through RIWorks, our e-bulletin
  • and much more...


English Language Learning Resources on Rhode Island

English Language Learning Resources on Rhode Island In 2023, there were slightly more than 17,000 English language learners in Rhode Island's schools. Spanish, Portuguese-based creoles and pidgins, Portuguese, Chinese, and Arabic, have been the top five languages spoken by ELLs in Rhode Island in recent years. (National Centre for Education Statistics)

English teaching in the midst of the Covid crisis: online courses and online English tutors upskilling

As a result, many instructors worldwide have a clear and pressing need for professional development in teaching using technology. There are a huge number of platforms for learning languages online. A beginner teacher can sign up for a lesson with a current tutor to gain experience teaching online.

Resources and courses for online teacher development

We have a ton of free resources to help you in your job if you are a professional in English language teaching. One can: enroll in our online teacher education programs; download free teaching resources and lesson ideas.

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