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Directory of Dual Language Immersion Programs in RI

Some Useful Terminology:

Dual language immersion: Used synonymously with dual language.

Dual language: A program in which the language goals are full bilingualism and biliteracy in English and a partner language, students study language arts and other academic content (math, science, social studies, arts) in both languages over the course of the program, the partner language is used for at least 50% of instruction at all grades, and the program lasts at least 5 years (preferably K-12). CAL and other institutions use this term as an umbrella term that includes two-way immersion, foreign language immersion, heritage language immersion, and developmental bilingual programs. Throughout the U.S., it is frequently used synonymously with two-way immersion.

Heritage language program: A program that aims to develop proficiency in a language that is spoken by the students’ relatives, ancestors, or community members in which the student may have some level of proficiency. Programs may be school-based or community-based and range from an hour a week to full immersion.

Center for Applied Linguistics. (2012).Glossary of Terms Related to Dual Language/TWI in the United States. Retrieved from http://www.cal.org/twi/glossary.htm

---Coming Soon---

Updated Dual Language Directory

RITELL c/o Nancy Cloud  |  P.O Box 9292  |  Providence, RI 02940  |  


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